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Spider Strainer Machine

Automatic Spider Strainer Surface Electrolytic Polishing Machine

Automatic Spider Strainer Surface Electrolytic Polishing Machine is used to polish the spider strainer surface which makes it smooth, shiny and get corrosion-resistant finish. It ...
Product Details


Automatic Spider Strainer Surface Electrolytic Polishing Machine is used to polish the spider strainer surface which makes it smooth, shiny and get corrosion-resistant finish. It can also be used for other stainless steel product. This process is particularly common in industries where precision and aesthetics are essential, such as the manufacturing of aerospace components, medical devices, jewelry, and automotive parts.



Working Process of Spider Strainer Electrolytic Polishing Machine

  1. Electrolyte Solution: The machine contains an electrolyte solution, which is a specialized chemical mixture designed for the electrochemical polishing process. The composition of the electrolyte depends on the type of metal being polished.
  2. Workpiece Preparation: Before polishing, the metal workpiece is typically prepared by wash in the acid liquid or grinding, sanding, or machining to remove any surface imperfections, roughness, or contaminant
  3. Electrolytic Cell: The workpiece is immersed in the electrolyte solution and serves as the anode (positive electrode) in an electrolytic cell. A cathode (negative electrode) is also placed in the solution. Both the anode and cathode are typically made of conductive materials like copper
  4. Power Supply: A power supply is connected to the anode and cathode. When the power is turned on, an electric current flows through the electrolyte solution between the anode and cathode.
  5. Electrochemical Reactions: As the electric current passes through the electrolyte, electrochemical reactions occur at the surface of the workpiece (anode). Metal ions are selectively dissolved from the workpiece into the electrolyte solution, while hydrogen gas is generated at the cathode.
  6. Smoothing and Polishing: The selective dissolution of metal ions during the electrochemical reactions effectively removes microscopic irregularities, burrs, and rough spots from the workpiece’s surface. This process results in a smooth and highly polished finish.
  7. Controlling Parameters: The operator can control various parameters, such as the voltage, current, electrolyte composition, and polishing time, to achieve the desired surface finish and remove a precise amount of material.
  8. Rinsing and Cleaning: After the electrochemical polishing process is complete, the workpiece is typically rinsed thoroughly to remove any remaining electrolyte and contaminants. It may also undergo further cleaning steps, such as ultrasonic cleaning or chemical rinses, to ensure the surface is free of residues.

Advantage of Spider Strainer Electrolytic polishing Machine

  • Precise Control: Operators can achieve precise and uniform finishes with a high level of control over the polishing parameters.
  • Reduced Material Removal: Unlike traditional mechanical polishing methods, electrochemical polishing selectively removes material, minimizing the risk of over-polishing or material loss.
  • Enhanced Corrosion Resistance: The process can improve the corrosion resistance of metal surfaces by removing surface imperfections and creating a passive oxide layer.
  • Result are uniform, which make sure all side are polished and shiny.



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