Automobile pin buckle hot riveting welding machine is the company’s introduction of Japanese core technology, and constantlyimprove the whole machine and welding fixture structure, compared with peers have the following outstanding advantagesThe oroinal Japanese controler is used to ensure high stability of the weldina power source (within 500A error)2.Every welding time. the welding curent and weldina time are directly connected to the computer through the communicationcable and stored in the computer, and the production process is monitored throughout the process;3. Pneumatic part. The cylinder is a wo-stage pressure cylinder. The up and down movement speed can be adjusted to facilitatetuning and positionina fixtures4.The upper and lower electrodes are made of imported special materials to ensure a service life of 4.000 warps.
Working Video of Strap Stable Buckle Riveting Welding Machine